Due to the action of time and the elements, annoying and unpleasant rust spots may form on the bodywork and, if neglected, can end up permanently damaging the car.

These stains tend to form in cases where the machine is left in particularly humid places or near railway stations and undergrounds where there is a large amount of ferrous powder residues. Ferrous residues are indeed the main factor causing the formation of rust and the classic red dots, especially on cars that are not kept inside garages.

In these cases, if you do not take action immediately, rust stains can become bigger and quickly significantly ruin your bodywork.

How can I get rid of the problem once and for all?

There are remedies to stop this slow and yet relentless deterioration and they are within everybody’s reach! Let’s take a look at them together.

How to remove rusty spots on your car

First of all you need to clean the area in question by removing the surface dirt.

Before being treated, the area affected by rust spots must be completely clean to prevent dirt from further damaging the surface and altering the results of the subsequent rust removal.

To conduct this first step, you can use a dry cleaner such as Fast Cleaner to remove stains and dirt. Moreover, Fast Cleaner also provides an action against rain: it promotes the flow of water on the surface and prevents dirt contained in the drops from settling on the bodywork.

Once the surface has been cleaned, in combination with the dry cleaner, use a Clay Bar that can act directly on the rust and remove it.

The Clay Bar is very easy to use: from the original bar, just take a piece off and mould it into a flat shape that can act effectively on the bodywork. Then pass the clay bar on rust spots by rubbing with small and very fast movements. If you want to be sure you cover all the areas, none excluded, you can use the clay first vertically and then horizontally, so that even the smallest parts will not escape the treatment. Remember to use Clay together with Fast Cleaner to make it flow over the surface. Do not use water and soap because in that case it would slip too much and would not incorporate the rust spots.

Once you have passed the Clay you will notice that the dirt settles on it, which helps you estimate the amount of rust removed. The crucial tests can be done by observing the presence or absence of the stains, though also by passing the hand on the surface of the bodywork. If the bodywork feels 100% smooth, this means all the rust has been removed. If the bodywork is still rough, keep on using the Clay Bar and Fast Cleaner, making the most of its lubricating action to better slide the Clay on the surface.

When this step has been completed, dry with a microfiber cloth.

Removing rust from the chromium-plated parts and bodywork: using the polish

If you want to further enhance the result obtained by using a dry cleaner and clay, you can also use a polish with an abrasive action.

Abrasive polishes can remove incrustations and further help remove reddish rust stains.

If stains are on the rims and bumper, use the Flash Bright Kit, a specific polish for steel surfaces. This polish is an excellent solution for removing rust from chromium-plated parts.

If the stains are instead spread on the bodywork, you can use the Scratch removal kit. Indeed, as well as removing scratches on the bodywork, the Scratch removal kit has an abrasive action that can eliminate any rust residues in place.

Both products can be conveniently applied on a microfibre cloth and then spread via the cloth on the parts to be treated with a gentle circular movement.

By using these methods and this type of product you won’t need to use sandpaper, abrasive pastes and a lot of elbow grease. Cleaning will become quick and simple!


Fresh Car Detailing – Mobile Car Wash Melbourne – Professional Mobile Car Wash. We Come To You. Any Suburb. Any Time.

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Fresh Car Detailing – Mobile Car Wash Melbourne

18 Cumberland Chase

Hampton Park VIC 3976

(03) 9999 7553


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